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Grow Zone is a safe and energetic environment for children that allows them to increase their knowledge of the Bible and how to apply it to life. Childcare is available downstairs for infants to children up through age 3.

We know that you have put an enormous amount of trust in us as we care for your children. We take this responsibility extremely serious. Each child/youth volunteer has gone through an application process which includes a criminal background check to ensure the safety of your children. We have a secured check-in procedure for children ages 0-Kindergarten.


When your child is checked in, they will be assigned a number and you will be given a tag with the same number. When coming to pick up your child you will need to present the tag so we can correctly identify your child. If you happen to lose your ticket, you will need to present a photo I.D. so we can ensure utmost safety for your child.

The number you have been assigned will also be our means of  “paging” you during the service if we need to get in touch with you to care for your child.  We will post your child’s number on the screen in the worship service if we need to get in touch with you.  Please come downstairs to the check-in area if you see your child’s number.

This program is for children ages 4 yrs.-5th grade. Children will start out with their parents in the Worship Service but will be dismissed part way through the service to have a Bible story relevant to their age, worship time, bible memorization and more!  Ages 4-5 will have a Bible story, play time, crafts and a snack.